Why Music is Life!



Let me be clear, I am a musician. I have witnessed in my brief period of performing, the power of music. I have seen it make people cry, I have seen it make people laugh, angry, envious, proud as well as a whole range of emotions. I have seen singers pour their heart and soul into reaching an intended note and give a crowd goose bumps. Music is not for the rich or the poor, it belongs to both and neither. Music is a matter opinion. From the harmonic to the symphonic to the euphonic music is life. It is about expression. From the seven hundred pound drum-kits to the pots and pans in mums kitchen, a sound can be made that is brilliant.

This is why with a heavy heart I feel the need to explain to those who have not experienced it why music is a profession. I’m sure at one point or another every musician has had to explain themselves and why they do what they do, whether it was a small local singer with dreams of making it big or Luther Vandross a International Legend (God rest his soul). I have felt the look and stare of judgemental eyes peering at through the iris of people supposed to be my friends, peers and family members, yet alone the general public.

Why is the profession look at with such disgust and disbelief when it benefits so many. Without music there would be no clubs or nights out. No amazing dances and rhythmic movements. No body who fully understands what you going through whether it is a happy time or sad one. You see I have found these same individuals that look at me with judgemental eyes get home after a stressful nine to five shift at work and unwind with a glass of wine and their favourite Beyonce track. These same individual are the ones who create a playlist of their favourite songs to listen to on the train, or create a cd for the long journey they will be facing driving from town to town or city to city.

Please understand, you will not like everything. Not everybody who says they can sing, can actually sing or rap for that matter. We see example of this year in year out on shows such as x-factor or the voice. I am not not asking you to ignorantly follow every Tom Dick and Hussain (a bit of political correctness on show) to every aspect of their career. All i am stating is perhaps we should not prejudge talent before it has a chance to blossom. Imagine if the world missed out on an amazing performer such as Michael Jackson because he was constantly mocked when he claimed to be a musician. It would have been a great loss to the world and to the music community.

Bob Marley said ‘One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.’

Peace and love

C.O. the Artist


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